Interview: Assignment #2

Interview of Senator Alyssa Guajardo By Carmen Elena Galvan June 13, 2019 Alyssa Guajardo is the Senator for The College of Health Affairs on the Student Government Association at UTRGV. Her responsibility as a senator for SGA is to bring up any concerns or issues regarding the life of students on campus in effort to …

Interview Assignment

Senator Guajardo Speaks About SGA By Carmen Elena June 13, 2019 Alyssa Guajardo is the Senator for The College of Health Affairs at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. Her responsibility as a member of the Student Government Association is to act upon any issues or concerns that the students have regarding their life …

How “The Yellow Wallpaper” Impacted Women

Charlotte Perkins Gillman, a woman suffering with mental illness and depression,  writes “The Yellow Wallpaper” to expose the feelings of her misunderstood condition. In doing so, she also raises concerns on how women are being  viewed and treated by society in that era. At first, commentators classify the short story as a gothic fiction, not giving …

The Deceiving Old Man

The old man’s character in “Young Goodman Brown”, by Nathanial Hawthorne, represents the devil, but rather than frightening Brown, he acts as his friend by deceiving him with his welcoming attitude and human-like complexions. As brown begins his journey into the dark forest, he comes across a figure of a man with decent attire (452). …

To Build A Fire: Repeated Words

As I read this story, I paid close attention to the setting of the short story “To Build A Fire”, written by Jack London, where I found that this story took place in The Yukon where it was colder than 50 degrees below freezing point. I also found it interesting that London uses a lot …

Young Goodman Brown: Literary Analysis

Everything Brown witnessed was conjured by evil because when he found himself standing alone in the forest after almost witnessing the sacrifice of his wife, Faith, there were signs that showed this was not just a dream. “He staggered against a rock and felt it chill and damp, while a hanging twig, that had been …

Young Goodman Brown

The short story “Young Goodman Brown” written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, uses a moral allegory as his theme as well as hypocrisy, religion and finding the dark side of man. It talked about puritans, people who rejected the practices of the church of England and wanted the most simplicity religion as possible. They believed that the …

“The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allen Poe

As I read the short story “The Tell-Tale Heart,” written by Edgar Allen Poe, I noticed the distinct characteristics that made this a gothic story. The story mainly took place inside the old man’s house that had all the lights shut off while it was night time. The story also included hidden evil, which made …